All BLUES Jams are on the Last Sunday of each month at the Watsons Theatre on Fairview in Boise from 2:00 to 6:00 pm. All ages.
The Boise Blues Society Jam
In order to make the Boise Blues Society Jam as enjoyable as possible, we’ve initiated a few rules
Follow the Stage Manager
We’ll have a designated Stage Manager for the event that will make sure that the BBS Jam runs smoothly. This includes-
– Making sure each jam band is ready to go
– Managing the band transitions so they’re quick and efficient
– Keeping bands on a 15 minute play schedule
– Helping with on-stage cues for solos and addressing any tech or volume control issues
We provide the “heavy lifting” for the Back Line so you don’t have to
– The BBS and Hosting bands will provide the back line equipment. So you can keep your back happy by leaving your amp at home. You’ll only need to bring your instrument and pedalboard.
– Provided equipment includes: PA, drums, guitar/keyboard/harmonica amps, keyboard and microphones
Don’t Bogart that stage, my friend
– In order to give everyone a chance to play we’re limiting each group to 3 songs and/or 15 minutes on stage. We’re getting a lot of great players at the BBS Jam and we want to make sure everyone gets a chance to shine. Frequently we have a large number of jammers. In order to assure everyone gets the opportunity to play, we may cut the number of songs per jam band to 2 songs.
– We’ll also have a designated Band Leader for each group in order to keep things on track and make sure it’s fun for everyone
Players wanna be playin’, so make sure you sign in early
– Players should sign in as soon as they arrive. The jam bands are assigned on a first come, first served basis. So the earlier you get on the list the better the chance you’ll get to play – maybe more than once
Become a BBS Jam Host Band – it’s a blast!
– We’re actively seeking bands to host the BBS Jam.
– You’ll be able to promote your act to lots of people, sell your CDs/Merch, and have a great time
– Host bands are required to allow their equipment to be used as the back line for the show (no PA required)
– If you’d like to be considered as a host band or want more information, please contact Boise Blues Society at [email protected]
Each Jam session will be managed by a volunteer appointed by the BBS Board of Directors. The goal to make playing the blues both fun, as well as organized for smooth transitions. The BBS volunteer will be responsible for placing individuals into jam bands and designating the order, or priority, in which individuals and bands will play. Each band or BBS composed jam band, or individual musician will be able to play for 15 minutes (or 3 songs not lasting more than 15 minutes) in order to allow full participation of those wanting to jam. At times, when the number of jammers is high, a limit of 2 songs or 10 minutes may be used.
Hosting Showcase Bands
BBS is seeking host bands that will be showcased at the Jam and play a 30-minute set to start the Jam Session. Host bands will be able to sell their CD’s or other marketing materials to those attending. Musicians in the Host band will also be responsible for covering when the need arises for a bass player, drummer, or another musician. If you have a band and would like to be considered for a Host Band, please send an email to [email protected] with your email, telephone number, and the name of your band. Host Bands will be selected based on BBS review of the band’s musical performance of at least one blues song by CD, Facebook or Youtube post, or another means of displaying their band’s musical ability. Application to be a Host Band does not assure selection as one.
Jam Players
Individuals and Bands will sign up for the Jam session when they arrive at the Playhouse. Each Jammer, whether signed in by Band or Individual, will be assigned to play in the order in which they registered to play when they arrived. If a Band is not ready to play at the time called because a member is missing, the Band will be moved down to the next available priority until they arrive; or, the Band may choose to play with an Individual Jammer substituting for the missing player(s).
The Showcase Host Band will be providing a drum kit and bass amplifier for all musicians. BBS will be providing microphones, with the Playhouse providing the sound equipment and sound engineer. Bands or individuals needing a keyboard should bring their own. Other instrument equipment is also the responsibility of the individual or band participating