The Blues Saviors, featuring Tim “Too Slim” Langford (Of Too Slim and the Taildraggers) on lead Guitar and vocals, Tim “Cueball Slim” Childs on 2nd Guitar and backup vocals, Bob Umphress Bass and back up vocals, and Barry Carlman on Drums, are a no nonsense, put you in the groove Blues Rock band. If you’ve been able to catch one of our shows around the Treasure Valley in the last couple of years, you know about the gritty & greasy tunes we put down for y’all. Our style is quite a bit of Too Slims catalogue that he’s put out over the 35 + years he’s been touring. Add into the mix some Johnny Winter, Elmore James, Mayall & Clapton, Los Lobos, Omar & The Howlers, the Stones, Early ZZ Top and a Robin Trower tune or two and you get the idea of what we are up to.
If you need a Blues fix on Friday night October 23rd, we most certainly will provide it for you! So come out and see us – We appreciate your support of live music at the Sapphire Room with this show being co produced with the Boise Blues Society.
Early Show Tickets:
Fri, October 23, 2020, 6:30 PM MDT
Doors at 5:30 PM
Late Show
Fri, October 23, 2020, 9:00 PM MDT
Doors at 8:30 PM
The Sapphire Room is following Central District Health (CDH) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines by operating at a 50% or less capacity. All tables are socially distanced and/or have a physical barrier between them per CDH recommendations.
Only one party will be allowed at a table. No partial tables will be sold.
All patrons will be temperature checked at the door and masks are required except while eating and drinking. Any guest exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms or presenting with a temperature above 100.4 will not be admitted and will receive a 100% refund.
Thank you for your cooperation and helping us to keep our guests, team members, and musicians safe.
Join us for dinner and drinks! The Sapphire Room features a full food and bar menu with table-side service.
With the purchase of a ticket, Sapphire guests are eligible for The Riverside Hotel’s “Sapphire Getaway” for $109 + tax. Includes a standard hotel room (double occupancy) and breakfast for two the following morning. To reserve, please call 208-343-1871.
The Sapphire Room is all-ages and family friendly. Every person that enters must have a ticket. No babes in arms.
FREE and convenient parking.
Please note that general seats may have a partially obstructed view.
Many tables are at bar height. Guests requiring lower seating will be most comfortable at tables 11- 35. Guests requiring ADA accessible seating will be most comfortable at the following tables: 15, 16, 22-25 and 32-34. For questions about accessible seating, please call 208-343-1871 or email [email protected].
100% refunds are available until 24 hours before the event or upon refusal due to COVID symptoms. Refunds cannot be processed after the event occurs for any reason.